Chimelong Hotel (长隆酒店 Chime Long Hotel)

Com base em 10 avaliações


Adelino N
88 month ago
Very efficient service, any request on the phone and you have someone at your door in less than 5 minutes. In the rooms you can hear a lot of the noise from the outside. Don't expect friendly service
Jinn X
107 month ago
Very very kids friendly, fantastic restaurants especially the White Tiger. The hunting suit we stayed is spacious & my daughter love it a lot. Cons: the plush toy in room is unpacked (in China, um)
Ulrich R
111 month ago
Great breakfast! German Beer! Quiet rooms! A bit too expensive during GZ fair
Nikita F
124 month ago
Пиво в лобби-баре дорогое. На нижнем этаже есть магазин, там пиво в три раза дороже , чем в обычных магазах, но все равно дешевле чем в баре больше чем в четыре раза.
Nikita F
124 month ago
Странная политика. Заказываешь номер на одного, а там вместо одной большой - две маленьких кровати.
Vivienne V
125 month ago
Safari room is a great choice if you are traveling as a family of 3-5 paks. AC doesn't work during winter though.
Simon R
125 month ago
Very nice place.
Михаил К
128 month ago
Сервис с каждым годом все хуже и хуже. Нереально медленно и криво все. На чекине и чекауте можно по 40 минут запросто простоять.
Dharshanan N
134 month ago
Rooms are spacious and very comfy. Free WiFi and the password is 3999000. The only con is the bathroom door doesn't have a lock system.
Andrea S
139 month ago
Rooms are big!!:)
  • 汉溪长隆, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China, GPS: 23.004856,113.322174