Gallerí Pizza

Pizza Place
Com base em 5 avaliações


Gunnar mar A
50 month ago
Mæli svo mikið með Ópinu! Fullkomlega stærð á skömmtun og frábært starfsfólk
Kaydee B
71 month ago
Pizza here is pretty good! Solid spot if you’re in the area. We had a half Hawaiian, half margarita. They have some odd pizzas mixing bananas, pepperoni & blue cheese. We steered clear of those:)
Kaydee B
71 month ago
Pizza here is pretty good! Solid spot if you’re in the area. We had a half Hawaiian, half margarita. They have some odd pizzas mixing bananas, pepperoni & blue cheese. We steered clear of those:)
Jiří K
75 month ago
Pizza is really delicious, quick service and its not expensive. I like this place
Jurgen F
128 month ago
Perhaps the only place where you can eat pizza or hamburger in a little and comfortable place. Courses are not of excellent quality, but quite nice all the same. 18 euro for starter, pizza and coke
  • Hvolsvollur, Iceland, GPS: 63.75145,-20.225592